What Your Facial Skin Says About Your Health
Every wrinkle and condition on your face actually reflects your overall health.
So, how can we analyze our health just by looking at our face? First, look at your cheeks.
If you find wrinkles, especially when the wrinkles have darker or lighter color than your natural skin, there might be some problem with your lings.
Second, look at your nose.
Your nose shows the condition of some organs.
If you find that the middle part of your nose gets wrinkled and darker color, you might have some stomach problems.
While if your the upper part of your nose gets wrinkled and darker color, there might be some problem with your pancreas.
Third, look at under your eyes.
The skin under eyes is pretty sensitive.
Some people might have darker skin under their eyes, especially when they are tires.
You have to pay attention on the skin when you are not too tired.
If in normal condition the skin under your eyes is still dark or wrinkled, you might have to check your kidney.
At last, the skin around your mouth.
When you find it get so much wrinkled and sensitive, it indicates your sexual organ.
You have to check your sexual organ in case things go wrong.