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Critically Endangered Rhinos

Critically Endangered Rhinos

Animal World
Animal World Rhino

The second largest mammals from elephants are the Rhinos.

These animals consist of two sub species: the black and white rhinos.

In animal world, between the two, the black species are the endangered types though it is possible for the black ones to live for 30-35 years in its natural habitat.

The black species of rhinos are the native of central and eastern Afrika.

They can be found in countries such as Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and Angola.

An adult male of black rhinos can weigh between 1.8-3 tonnages while the female is somewhat smaller.

The extinction of black rhinos is pushed by the fact that their habitat is gone due to human encroachment.

Food production pushes man to clear more bushes and this pushes rhinos to extinction.

The organized poaching gangs as well as available in Asian countries’ markets leads to the existence danger of black rhinos.

In the report of international rhino foundation the population of black rhino has slightly recovered in 2003 to over 3,600 than in 1993 when the population was very declining.

Traditional herbalists in China are among those who use rhino horns as medicine.

Claims that rhino horns can cure fevers, boost male sexual stamina and revive comatose patients have cause the rhino become endangered.

We should now save the rhino for our future.