
Wonderful places are spread throughout the world. 

This creates an idea of having 7 wonders of the world. 

From hundreds or even thousands of beautiful places in this earth, there are seven places which are awarded as wonders of the world. 

They are taken by vote through internet or phone. 

Indonesia is also be a part of them by its island which is considered as wonderful. 

Komodo island is the new 7 wonders of the world.

Located in Nusa Tenggara province which is the east part of Indonesia, Komodo island is lived by over 2000 inhabitants. 

If you go to this place, you will absolutely find Komodo National Park. 

This is because Komodo island is a place where one of the unique fauna in the world live. 

It is komodo which is also known as the biggest lizard in the world.

The population of komodo is getting more and more vanished. 

Realizing this case, people or researchers are not allowed to kill many komodo for research and consider this animal as protected animal. 

In addition any activity which is related to komodo, such as buying and selling of komodo’s skin is considered as illegal and for those who break the law can be given such punishment.