How to Distinguish Back Pain from Kidney Symptoms

How to Distinguish Back Pain from Kidney Symptoms

Sometimes we get confused for the ache we feel in the back. Some people will get paranoid and think of it as a kidney pain symptom. While the other ones take it slow and consider it as a mere back pain. Hence, we need to learn the difference between back pain and kidney symptom to get the right treatment right away,

1. Pain Intensity

The first difference between back pain and kidney symptom is the intensity of the ache. If the pain still lasts even after you change your position while sitting or laying, then it is most likely a symptom for kidney pain. You can also check the pain by pressing or massaging the area around your kidney.

2. Urine

The next step to distinguish back pain and kidney symptom is by looking at your urine. If it is cloudy urine, or worst mixed with blood, then it is a serious kidney symptom. Having back pain will not affect your normal urine.

3. Fever

You can find the difference between back pain and kidney symptom by checking the body’s temperature. People with kidney symptom will most likely feel the ache in their back along with a fever.