Healthy Heart and Healthy Body with Yoga Exercise
Yoga and lifestyle changes can help to maintain a healthy heart and body.
The yoga poses is beneficial for the heart.
Ujjayi pranayama is the best post of yoga for healthy heart.
The other poses such as Chandra Bhedi Pranayama can do for a healthy body.
A study that conducted in people with disease of coronary artery shows that by incorporating yoga into their normal routines, as well as changes in lifestyle and a healthy diet, the incidence of coronary artery disease will reduce drastically.
Moreover, yoga exercise can control the diabetes.
Regular yoga practice can also help control diabetes. Some of the poses that can help control the diabetes.
The test on the diabetic patients shows the positive result for patient who train yoga regularly.
Furthermore, yoga has a positive effect on blood pressure.
The training helps to reduce the blood pressure.
The certain posture keeps the body and mind in a relaxed situation.
A study on the benefits of yoga in controlling the blood pressure showed positive results, compared with placebo treatment.
Yoga movements can help stretching and increasing the flexibility of the body.
Over time, by doing this exercise can increase the flexibility of the hamstrings, back, shoulders, and hips by doing yoga regularly.