Healthy Benefits of Consuming Honey and Cinnamon Mixture
For those who want to have great health everyday then the healthy benefits of consuming honey and cinnamon must be something to know.
Honey is a common type of food we have daily for bread or pancake spread.
In fact, it is not only sweet but also providing many health benefits for your body.
For Cardiovascular Health
You can make a healthy and nutritious paste of honey and cinnamon powder and then use the paste as bread or pancake spread.
It will make your breakfast more healthy and tasty every morning.
This mixture will reduce the level of cholesterol and prevent heart attack.
It also strengthens the heartbeat as well as healing the short breath problems.
Preventing Urinary Infection
Urinary infection prevention is one of the healthy benefits of consuming honey and cinnamon.
Just mix one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of cinnamon powder into a glass of warm water.
Mix them well and then drink it.
The mixture will kill the bacteria in the bladder so the urinary infection will be healed.
Toothache Solution
The healthy benefits of consuming honey and cinnamon also belong to heal toothache.
Make a mixture containing five spoonful of honey and one spoonful of cinnamon powder.
Then use the mixture to heal toothache by applying it on your aching tooth.
Do the application three times daily so the toothache will be healed.