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6 Warning Signs that Your Body is Not Healthy
6 Warning Signs that Your Body is Not Healthy

6 Warning Signs that Your Body is Not Healthy

Virtually every man can know the signs given by the body when they live a lifestyle that is not healthy. 

But sometimes we do not pay attention to signs that appear on our body when it is a warning sign of the body to change our lifestyles. 

Here are some of the traits that your body is not healthy:

1. Skin problems

People who are healthy do not have skin problems like acne, blemishes in the skin, stretch marks, and so forth.

2. Sleep disorders

If you have trouble sleeping at night, then this could indicate that your body is not healthy. You drink too much caffeine or other problems.

3. Difficult defecation

When you urinate, you can observe the color of urine coming out. Colors are otherwise healthy urine is a pale yellow color, odorless and clear.

4. Dry lips

If your lips dry then you are deficient in the vitamin. You can overcome this by taking vitamins from fruits and vegetables.

5. Fingernails

If your nails are discolored, bumpy, and there is a lump, then it indicates that your body is experiencing health problems.

6. Body temperature

Hands and feet feel cold indicates that barriers to the circulation of blood in the body.