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3 Terrible Side Effects of Wearing High Heels Frequently
3 Terrible Side Effects of Wearing High Heels Frequently

3 Terrible Side Effects of Wearing High Heels Frequently

High heels may complete the women looks to be prettier and more elegant. However, wearing high heels too often is not recommended as it will bring more harm and damages to your leg’s health. Side effect of wearing high heels is as terrible as explained below:

1. Bunion Effect

This is the condition where you find a bone structure bumping on your thumb. It’s actually not a bone development, but instead a joint movement who is pushed out from under the skin. However, this effect will most likely happen for those with historical genetic.

2. Arched Toes

The other terrible side effect of wearing high heels is arched toes. Wearing high heels can put most of your weight in the toes so it causes injury to the ligament of your toes. By that moment you may find the knuckles of your toes become swollen and have callous. In the extreme cause, it can only be treated with surgical operation.

3. Swollen Heels

The last side effect of wearing high heels for a long and frequent period is having your heels swollen. The general condition is the bone of your heels will get lifted up. The higher your heels, the more swollen you will get.